Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do We REALLY Need ALL of these Administrators?

We asked Rosario on numerous occasions about consolidation in the district office but we were ignored. We asked him for a personnel audit but he said, "To do that would be admitting that cuts can be made" (paraphrased). He said all of our administrators were needed because of the 150 un-funded mandates. So I did the audit myself. I did not focus on the funding just on which jobs needed someone in the administrative office and how much time they would need to give it. Is this completely accurate? I don't know, I am only making educated guesses. I figure if Rosario sees a problem with this he will give me a revision. Otherwise I can only assume he agrees (trust me, he reads or has someone reading this blog).

Here is my summary of how many mandates fall under specific administrators and how much time is needed:
Pupil Services (PPS): 21 mandates: all requiring minimal time, 5 are plans that must be written once and are done.
Business: 12 mandates: 11 requiring minimal time, 1 requiring moderate time, 1 is a one time plan
Curriculum: 13 mandates: all requiring minimal time
Superintendent: 1: requiring minimal time
Facilities: 15 mandate: 9 requiring minimal time, 6 are one time or every 3-5 years
Special Ed: 17 mandates: 4 requiring one time
Technology: 3 mandates: all requiring minimal time, 1 requiring one time plan

Note: transportation is not an administrative position

Given the mandates above and other admin tasks it seems we need:
1. Superintendent (although I am not sure we do need this position at least based on mandates)
2. Deputy Superintendent - who oversees PPS, Curriculum & technology
3. Business Director
4. Special Ed k-6
5. Special Ed 7-12
6. Facilities

Hey, isn't this essentially what we HAD in 2000 before Eileen Camasso with the BOE's permission decided to massively expand the district's administration in her only 4 years as Superintendent?

Rosario, PLEASE correct me where I am wrong. I look forward to knowing the truth.

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